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24 Jan 2015

Implausible: 18 Yr Old Girl LosesVirginity To Her Father

A young girl who is planning her upcoming
wedding may have some trouble getting her
mother to attend the ceremony – as she is
marrying her father.

The unnamed 18-year-old is revealing all
the details of her two year relationship
with herfather in an interview with Science
of Us, from how they fell in love and the
first time they had sex to what their plans
are for the future.
And one of those plans she is very certain of
– the two will have children.
The woman, who hails from the Great Lakes
region, reconnected with her father when
she was 16, this after 12 years of
Her parents got pregnant on Prom night,
and she grew up with her mother, who the
young girl claims is bipolar.
Her father reached out to her
on Facebook when she was in high school,
and after the two met up she went to go stay
with him for a week.
They had sex that week, her first time, and
were soon dating.
‘There’s a reason I lost my virginity to him
because I’d never felt comfortable with any
other man. It was insanely sensual,’ she
‘It lasted for about an hour and there was a
lot of foreplay. We both had orgasms. We
are so similar, so it’s so easy to sexually
please each other. For example, we both
love neck-biting. I’ve never been in a more
passionate, loving, fulfilling situation.’
The two are not even hiding their situation,
with many around them aware of what is
going on between them.
‘Everyone on my mom’s side of the family
sees us as father and daughter,’ she
‘Those who know that he’s my dad, and that
we are engaged, include my father’s parents
(they can see we are happy together and
they can’t wait for us to have babies they
treat us just like any other couple), the
woman we live with, and my best friend.’
The wedding has already been planned, and
she will be telling her mother – after the
two make the moved to New Jersey.
‘We plan to move to New Jersey where we
can be safe under the law, since adult incest
isn’t illegal there, and once I’m there I’ll
tell everyone,’ she says.
‘I’ll call my mom and let her know that we
are in love and we are having children. If
she wants to see her grandkids we’ll send
her money and she can drive to see us.’
And while many people, and science, may
argue that having a child with a family
member can lead to genetic problems, she
scoffs at this notion.
‘Everybody thinks that kids born in
incestuous relationships will definitely have
genetic problems, but that’s not true,’ she
‘That happens when there’s years of
inbreeding, like with the royal family.
Incest has been around as long as humans
That being said, she says her chidlren will
never learn how mommy and daddy first
‘I don’t want to give them any problems,’
she says.

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