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24 Jan 2015

Gossip- pastor drops dead after singing pharrell Williams song "HAPPY"

Pastor Drops Dead On
Pulpit Shortly After Singing
Pharrell’s ‘Happy’ Song'.

Just over a week ago at a celebration of his
60th birthday, Pastor Gordon A. Humphrey
Jr. of United Ministries bellowed
melodiously from the pulpit that
“the Lord
is good to me…You healed my body, You
brought me back from death” as a choir
harmoniously affirmed his lilting
On Sunday, the preacher who loved to sing
was at it again.
Shortly before he began preaching a
Christmas-themed message about “hope in
the manger” at Shiloh Missionary Baptist
Church of Chicago he sauntered through the
lyrics of rapper Pharrell Williams’ runaway
hit song “Happy”.
Soon after he began preaching his message
of hope, however, or perhaps it was
somewhere in the middle according to
Pastor Greg Hunter, Humphrey dropped
dead at the pulpit.
“I’m not sure if they determined the cause
of death but it’s been said he may have had
a heart attack,” said Hunter whom
Humphrey recently installed as pastor of
Olivet Institutional Missionary Baptist
Church in Oakland, California after
pastoring there for more than 30 years.
Humphrey was serving as senior pastor of 3
churches at the time of his death: Olivet
Church in Oakland, California; Olivet
Church in Stockton, California, and the
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in
Chicago, which his father, Gordon
Humphrey, Sr. had pastored for some 40
years before his passing forced Humphrey
Jr. to relocate there a few years ago.

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